Capgemini sets its ESG objectives to reinforce the impact of its sustainable development strategy – The European Magazine
15 February 2025
15 February

Capgemini sets its ESG objectives to reinforce the impact of its sustainable development strategy

In accordance with commitments made earlier this year, Capgemini unveiled a framework of 8 priorities and 11 ambitious objectives, that are gathered into a new ESG policy (Environment, Social and Governance). This marks a new concrete milestone for the Group’s responsible approach.

Capgemini believes that digital transformation should benefit all of humanity and intends to be a benchmark in terms of its contribution to society, beyond its commitments to employees, clients and investors. In line with the Group’s purpose (“Unleashing human energy through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future”), Capgemini’s ESG strategy covers fighting climate change, investing in human capital, as well as responsible governance.

In these challenging times for our planet and our communities, the Group is mobilized to speed up the transition to more sustainable and inclusive economies,” said Aiman Ezzat, Chief Executive Officer of the Capgemini Group. “There has never been a better time to leverage technology and human energy to tackle Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) challenges. This framework will help us unite our 300,000 employees with our clients and partners around achieving these quantified and transparent objectives, to leverage the potential of technology for the benefit of society.

Building on a long history of societal commitments, Capgemini has set a framework of priorities and ambitious objectives through this ESG policy, covering each of the three ESG pillars and impacting the 11 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals that are relevant to its business:

A.    Act on climate change by being carbon neutral by 2025 and becoming a net zero business1.    Be carbon neutral for our own operations no later than 2025 and across our supply chain by 2030, and become a net zero business well ahead of 2050[1]
2.    Transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2025, and electric vehicles by 2030
B.    Lead to low-carbon economic transition by helping our clients achieve their environmental commitments3.    Help our clients to save 10m tons of CO2eq by 2030
C.    Relentlessly invest in our talent through a unique experience, developing tomorrow’s skills4.    Increase average learning hours per employee by 5% every year to ensure regular lifelong learning
D.   Enhance a diverse, inclusive and hybrid work environment5.    40% of women in our teams by 2025
E.    Support digital inclusion in our communities6.    5M beneficiaries supported by our digital inclusion programs by 2030
F.    Foster a diverse and accountable governance7.    30% of women in executive leadership positions in 2025
8.    Maintain best-in-class corporate governance
G.   Maintain high ethical standards at all times for mutual growth9.    Maintain over 80% of the workforce with Ethics Score between 7-10
10.  By 2030, suppliers covering 80% of the purchase amount of the previous year, will have committed to our ESG standards
H.    Protect and secure data, infrastructure and identity11.  Be recognized as a front leader on data protection and cybersecurity

Most of these objectives are building on efforts initiated several years ago by the Group, such as the examples below:

  • Capgemini was one of the first players in its sector, as early as 2016, to set targets in terms of carbon emission reductions (which were reached in January 2020, ten years earlier than targeted and ahead of COVID lockdowns). In 2020, the Group set a significantly more ambitious framework.
  • Capgemini has for several years made diversity and inclusion a priority, increasing the proportion of women in its headcount from 29.5% in 2015 to 33.7% at the end of 2020[2].
  • Finally, in 2021, Capgemini was recognized by Ethisphere as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for the 9th consecutive year.

Capgemini will communicate on a regular basis and in a transparent manner on its extra-financial performance, in line with the GRI and SASB standards, and the TCFD recommendations.

For further information:
To find out more information about Capgemini’s ESG policy, and how it translates into concrete priorities and objectives, visit

[1] The Group maintains its carbon reduction objectives as announced in July 2020. Following the new definition of net zero announced in the SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) Corporate Net-Zero Standard published on the 28th October 2021, the Group remains committed to becoming a net zero business and will announce its detailed net zero targets in the near future.

[2] The 2020 figure includes the Altran perimeter

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