Consumer confidence remains low as companies look to provide a human touch – The European Magazine
22 February 2025
22 February

Consumer confidence remains low as companies look to provide a human touch

Consumer confidence remains flat in Quarter 2 amid continued economic uncertainty, according to the Deloitte Consumer Tracker Survey. It has been revealed that the UK consumer confidence index is -8 per cent; down four percent from this time last year. Customer experience expectations, however, show no signs of slowing, with over half of UK consumers feeling more loyal towards brands that show a deeper understanding of their preferences and priorities.

This means that now more than ever, businesses will be focussing on providing a seamless digital customer experience, optimising customer engagement.

While technologies like AI and automation will be critical for businesses to remain competitive in these times of such low consumer confidence, it is important not to overlook the importance of in-person human interaction. Retailers with omnichannel strategies retain an average of 89 per cent of their customers, according to Teleperformance DIBS, and any businesses failing to focus directly on customer experience will struggle with customer retention.

Rajnish Sharma at Teleperformance Digital Integrated Business Services believes that “With people so worried about their personal finances in the increasing economic uncertainty, it will take a lot more than just a good product or service to persuade the average consumer to hand over their cash.”

“Consumers are looking for frictionless, hassle-free and personalised customer experiences. To remain competitive in these times of economic uncertainty, businesses need to be available to provide round-the-clock, real-time service – at the consumer’s convenience. While AI bots are widely being introduced to improve engagement and streamline communication, it’s important to note that human interactions are not just cognitive, but social and emotional.”


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