07 September 2024

Rebuilding Kerala with green energy

| The European |

Kerala has always been among the most progressive states in India. With the southern state topping every social index there is, it has set the benchmark for the nation’s development. Even after the recent floods, the state is being lauded globally for its resilience and the public-government partnership in the rehabilitation efforts.

In an effort to set another benchmark, the state government has been making massive efforts to promote renewable energy. The two-pronged approach towards the objective, includes creating an enabling ecosystem for renewable energy growth and promoting renewable energy systems (focusing on solar power) to the public, driving a cultural shift to favour green energy. The efforts are channeled through the government Agency for Non-Conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT). Its immediate goal of setting up 1000 MW of solar power stations through the Urja Kerala Mission by 2021 will open a market worth approximately INR60bn (approx. $8.2m); in 1000 MW, 500 MW is intended through roof-top solar systems.

ANERT has already restructured its programmes for achieving this. The initiatives include:

  • www.buymysun.com –An e-MarketPlace for renewable energy systems and devices
  •  Souraveedhi –A mobile app for field verification of renewable energy systems, with geo-tagging
  • A portal for workflow and programme monitoring related to multi-agency approvals for installing renewable energy systems, including subsidy release
  • Established Renewable Energy Repair & Service Centres in all legislative assembly-segment level (140 numbers), linked to a toll-free helpline/CRM cell
  •  Census of renewable energy installations during the last five years, by requesting registration through a mobile app; and incentivising registration by providing free one-year insurance to such systems
  • Arrangements with local self-governments for providing subsidy to the needy
  • Partnerships with banks for providing financial support to install renewable energy systems
  • Promotion of the renewable energy industry in Kerala through facilitating technology partnerships, business networks, etc. for new technology demonstration, including energy storage.

ANERT is also taking steps to promote new business models for implementing renewable energy projects including RESCO, third-party leasing, community/ co-op investment, solar power pack on rental, etc. With strategic planning and effective execution, the government of Kerala has laid a strong foundation that encourages global businesses to invest in Kerala’s clean energy drive, while also ensuring that the public understands and supports the plans.

Further information


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