The energy of Latin America – The European Magazine
14 March 2025
14 March

The energy of Latin America

Colombia energy
Astrid Álvarez, CEO Grupo Energía de Bogotá

Grupo Energía de Bogotá has transcended borders. Today, it is present in four countries and is one of Latin America’s most important electric energy and natural gas conglomerates.

The Colombian business group of Grupo Energía de Bogotá is present in Peru, Guatemala, Brazil and Colombia, reaching over six million households. It is widely experienced and one of the largest business operations in the region. It participates throughout the energy chain, including in generation, transmission, distribution and commercialisation of electricity, as well as the transportation and distribution of natural gas.

The company was founded 121 years ago and is currently a leading group in the sector as a result of the international expansion efforts undertaken for over a decade, and also because of its new corporate strategy that sets the company on a course to become the main energy multi-Latin company by 2025, with operations in six countries.

Latin-American presence

Today, GEB is the current leader in the electric energy and natural gas distribution and transmission markets of Colombia, driven by companies such as Empresa de Energía de Bogotá, Codensa, Emgesa and Transportadora de Gas Internacional (TGI). In Peru, through Cálidda and Contugas, the Group manages 71% of the natural gas supply and accounts for 66% of the electric energy transmission through strategic partners. In Guatemala, it is the main electric energy carrier, while in Brazil the Group is partner with Furnas, Brazil’s largest state-owned energy company.

In order to keep on strengthening its presence in the region, the Group intends to develop leading companies throughout the energy chain in an effort to connect megacities. Furthermore, GEB works on developing clean energy sources to tackle the reduction of environmental pollution, which is one of the most pressing concerns in large cities.

In this realm, GEB is focusing efforts on promoting low-emission transportation solutions (massive transportation systems, electric buses), which would help reduce emissions of contaminant gases, while encouraging the use of Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) and electric mobility.

One of the most successful cases in this regard is Lima, capital of Peru, where Cálidda managed to deploy a fleet of 600 buses of ‘Metropolitano’ (the capital’s massive transportation system), together with the conversion of 225,000 vehicles supplied by 240 NGV stations. In this city, the widespread use of natural gas prevented the emission of over 50 million tons of CO2, which is equal to Ecuador’s CO2 generation in a single year. In Bogotá, capital of Colombia, GEB is actively participating in regulation matters to get the city prepared for a new generation of electric and natural gas powered buses.

Three key lines of business

These initiatives are all tuned up with the Group’s new corporate strategy, focusing on three key lines of business. One of these lines is ‘Urban Energy Solutions’, which has the main objective of developing and putting into operation the infrastructure needed to meet the electric energy and natural gas demands of the most important cities of Latin America.

Another line of business is ‘Interconnection for Development of Markets’, where energy generation sources are connected with users in large cities through 12,500 hundred kilometres of electric energy transmission networks, plus 4,000 kilometres of gas pipelines, with a view to doubling the capacity of transmission networks and gas pipelines by 2025.

The third line of business is ‘Low-Generation Emission’, which seeks new renewable energy and energy solution opportunities in countries undertaking the transition towards an energy matrix, supported by sustainable generation sources aimed to preserve and take better care of the environment.

Ethical principles at the heart of the business

Grupo Energía de Bogotá aims to achieve profitable growth alongside global strategic partners, the best human resources and corporate governance policies designed to meet the most stringent standards. These policies intend to achieve a sound balance between value generation for our shareholders, community welfare, reduced environmental impacts and the creation of shared value in the territories where the Group operates, all sitting within the framework of the principles laid out in the company’s ‘Global Compact and in the Sustainable Development Goals’.

GEB is one of the groups leading the energy transition in a region that faces enormous challenges, all the while undergoing an on-going transformation process coupled with growing energy demand.

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