19 September 2024

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UN SDG Goals

Venice ‘more popular than ever’ despite €5 tourist tax

Demand for British produce soars thanks to ‘Clarkson’s Farm Effect’

‘Watershed Moment’ as UK passes self-driving car law

Pizza Hut enters burger business… with bun and patty-free mashup

Saudi floats NEOM’s latest nauti-cool addition

Award-winning Scottish restaurant reopens its doors

SeABank awarded The Risk Management Bank of the Year – Vietnam 2024

Vista Land & Lifescapes Inc. wins three titles at The European Global Business Awards 2024

Boursa Kuwait wins two titles at The European Global Sustainability & ESG Awards 2024

World’s first book with ‘NO-AI’ warranty set to transform global publishing industry

Ryan reynolds appointed ‘CIO’ at Yas Island Resort

Amex and Delta Reissue Inflexible Friend

Gold Rush: HK Casino Resort unveils ‘Guilded’ new hotel for 2025

US Air Force Reveals First AI vs Human Dogfight…But Won’t Say Who Won

Doha’s Hamad International Crowned World’s Best at 2024 ‘Airport Oscars’

Waiter Second: New Robot Servers to Play ‘Significant Role’ in Restaurant Industry

Gulf African Bank wins four titles at The European Banking & Finance Awards 2024

Introducing The European Magazine Podcast

The European releases its Spring 2024 edition

A Flying Start with BA: Carrier’s £100K Pilot Training Applications Open Today

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