Gulf African Bank wins four titles at The European Banking & Finance Awards 2024 - The European Magazine
28 March 2025
28 March

Gulf African Bank wins four titles at The European Banking & Finance Awards 2024

The European, throughout the last decade, has been celebrating achievement, innovation and excellence through our annual awards programme. We recognise organisations and individuals that stand out from the crowd, and are consequently moving their industries forward. Good governance, innovation and know-how, and quality of service are all major considerations.

The European would like to congratulate Gulf African Bank on winning the following titles for our Global Banking & Finance Awards 2024:

Banking CEO of the Year (Anuj Mediratta) – Kenya
Best Islamic Banking Brand – Kenya
Excellence in Sharia-Compliant Financial Solutions Provider – Kenya
Best Islamic Bank for SME Banking – Kenya

“We are truly obliged for this great honor and recognition. Gulf African Bank was the first fully Shari-ah compliant bank to commence operations in Kenya and the Bank has continued to enjoy the support and backing of our shareholders who are fully committed to creating a solid bank characterized by growth and the very latest products riding on robust technology and delivered with internationally benchmarked standards of service quality.

“This reward is a testament to the excellence and innovation that drive our Bank forward. Indeed, we have achieved many ‘firsts’ as we trail blaze the Islamic Banking landscape in Kenya.  We take pride in being one of the first banks in Kenya to focus on women banking through our uniquely modelled Annisaa Banking, placing a special focus on women in order to remove barriers that hinder access to finance.  We were also the first Bank in Kenya to form a Shariah compliant Foundation, the first Bank in the country to set aside 20% of its procurement opportunities to women, the first bank in Kenya to launch a Shariah Compliant Insurance Premium Financing, the first to launch paperless banking services and the first Islamic bank to launch Cash Deposit Machines.

“Gulf African Bank clinched this coveted award based on our 16-year commitment to enabling our customers achieve success through relevant and tailored financial solutions. Our continuous investment in technology has been crucial in enabling us to play a pivotal role in redefining Islamic Banking in Kenya and enabling our customers to transact on the go.  

“Winning this title speaks volumes of what we have achieved as the premier Islamic Bank in Kenya and reflects our impact on the county’s competitive landscape as an industry leader.”

About Gulf African Bank

Gulf African Bank is the premier Shari’ah compliant Bank in Kenya, offering products that address the needs of not just Muslims, but everyone in the country through fair, safe and ethical banking practices. Gulf African Bank is the pioneering Islamic Bank not only in Kenya but also in the entire East African region, whose shareholders include: Istithmar World (the investment arm of the Government of Dubai); Alsalam Bank-Bahrain (a leading regional bank headquartered in Bahrain); Sheikh Abdullah Mohammed Al Romaizan (a leading investor from Saudi Arabia); Trade and Development Bank (Previously PTA Bank), IFC (The Private Investment Arm of World Bank) among others.

For further information on this partnership, please contact:

Gulf African Bank
Fathia Abdulle
Marketing and Corporate Communications
[email protected]


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