New Science Advisory Board with world-renowned scientists announced – The European Magazine
28 March 2025
28 March

New Science Advisory Board with world-renowned scientists announced

CarbonMeta Technologies announces new Science Advisory Board with renowned scientists

Respected academics from distinguished universities including The University of Oxford, The University of Cardiff and Queen Mary University join CarbonMeta Technologies’ Science Advisory Board. The new advisory board will work with CarbonMeta Technologies to lead science and engineering backed research, with a further focus on innovation into renewable energy sources. The company’s technology will support the transition to major sources of sustainable energy – hydrogen for transport or to heat homes, battery materials for electric vehicles and production of steel without the use of fossil fuels.

Professor Peter Edwards from the University of Oxford will chair the new board. Having previously worked with CarbonMeta Technologies on its ‘plastics to hydrogen’ trials, Edwards has conducted over three decades of research in environmentally-focused science. His other work includes using carbon dioxide to create aviation fuel, extracting green hydrogen from fossil fuels; he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1996. Also from the University of Oxford, Professor Peter Dobson OBE, an engineer and materials science academic, joins the board. Dobson was the Founder Director of the universities Beg-broke Science Park from 2002-2013 and he was awarded an OBE in 2013 for services to Science and Engineering.

University of Oxford

Sir Colin Humphreys CBE FRS FREng, Professor of Materials Science at Queen Mary University of London who has conducted world-leading research into analysis of semiconductors, electron microscopy and materials science, also joins the broad bringing years of unrivalled expertise in the field of carbon nano-materials. These colleagues will also be joined by Gari Owen, Founder of Annwvyn Solutions. Following his career as a scientist for Home Office and Ministry of Defence in Britain, Owen has recently been working as an independent consultant to the UK Government and advising in the fields of defence, security, environment and future technologies. Completing the board are two senior academics from Cardiff University, Professors Daniel Slocombe and Adrian Porch, following the university’s participation in CarbonMeta Technologies’ trials turning plastic waste into clean hydrogen and high-value carbon nano-materials. In order to complete the board, outreach to other highly esteemed academics is taking place in the fields of chemistry, physics, chemical engineering and materials science and new appointments will be made throughout the remainder of the year.

University of Cardiff

Lloyd Spencer, CEO of CarbonMeta Technologies, said: “Applying scientific breakthroughs are key to bringing transformative clean energy innovations to market expeditiously. We are proud to have a powerful team of academic professionals who can help CarbonMeta develop and market new products and advance new technologies for the renewable energy industry.” Professor Peter Edwards from The University of Oxford, now Chair of the Science Advisory Board, added: “My fellow researchers and I have been in the field of ground-breaking renewable technology for many years. In this really pivotal time, we are coming together in this Science Advisory Board to spearhead even more pioneering technology with CarbonMeta Technologies.”

CarbonMeta’s core mission to ‘upcycle’ plastic and construction waste aims to help address the world’s burgeoning pollution and climate crises.

For more information about CarbonMeta Technologies and its subsidiaries, please visit


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