08 September 2024

How chatbots have produced great marketing results

| The European |

For businesses to be successful in these times, it is more important than ever before that they identify the needs, wants and behaviour of their customers. Chatbots are being increasingly used by digital marketers to ask these questions in an automated fashion. In this article, we will explore how chatbots function, and we will also discuss the various ways in which they can increase efficiency within regular marketing activities, saving valuable time and money.

How Chatbots Work
Through what is known as ‘machine learning’, chatbots can swiftly learn and memorise the behaviour of customers, as well as recognise patterns within their behaviour. From this data, the bots can provide better direction in terms of indicating where the consumer should go next within the customer journey. Depending on the information given to the bot (e.g. if it’s programmed with responses, or if it has access to a database or FAQ), it can then figure out the information it needs to send to the customer.

A key part of this is of course time. The longer the bots can learn, the more accurate the responses they give will be. They will of course need to be tweaked and monitored, but this can save businesses a considerable amount of time. Here’s how chatbots can help your marketing:

Market research
A logical starting point would be using chatbots within the market research part of your marketing strategy. Forget manually compiling Google forms or questionnaires, allow a chatbot to collect this information for you. Not only can you automate processes this way, but you can also vastly improve user interaction for mobile users, as they can receive responses to their messaging apps directly.

One day, AI (artificial intelligence) will likely take the place of traditional communication for companies, in terms of how they correspond with their customers. For now, you can at least use your chatbots to save time by programming them to have a conversation with prospective customers. For instance, through a question and answer style format, you could program your chatbot to ask specific questions which will lead customers to a CTA (call to action), such as booking an appointment.

Social Media
In addition to the typical conversations you may have via chatbots through your website, you are likely to have many more through your social media platforms. Provided that you program your bot with enough responses that it can refer to in a conversation with a customer, it may be able to save you a considerable amount of time.

You will of course need to take over the conversation at some point, but as mentioned previously, chatbots can help to guide the customer to the right person or section of your website that they require. It’s then down to you to head in the cross the chatbot provides and score the all-important goal!

Marketing Expense Management
It is also possible to program your chatbot to perform other activities, such as internal responsibilities. For example, you can program it to operate as a budget manager. It can then monitor the finances used within your team, and can then provide alerts if budgets have been reached, or if they need to be allocated, plus much more.

Final Thoughts
There are certainly intriguing and potentially lucrative marketing results that chatbots can achieve. Businesses of all sizes would be well advised to consider investing in the tech and adopting it into their operations. If you’re looking for other exciting opportunities, then be sure to check out the excellent prospects available with bitcoin profit.

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