Seat-of-Your-Pants Thrills: Watch Megaship’s World-First Over-Water Swing Ride – The European Magazine
28 March 2025
28 March

Seat-of-Your-Pants Thrills: Watch Megaship’s World-First Over-Water Swing Ride

The world’s first over-water swing ride at sea has been unveiled – but those with a fear of heights should give it a wide berth.

Adrenaline junkies on board the MSC World America can experience the “one-of-a-kind, edge-of-your-seat thrill ride” when the ship enters service in April next year.

The ride, called ‘Cliffhanger’, will sit on the flagship liner’s top deck and lift four people out and over the side of the ship.

From there, mechanical arms propel riders back and forth as they dangle 160 feet over the ocean below.

Those brave enough to take the plunge – metaphorically, speaking – will “feel the wind in their hair as their view oscillates between the water below and the sky above”.

According to MSC Cruises, which is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the ride is the first of its kind anywhere in the world.

The MSC Cruises team said: “Cliffhanger, the only over-water swing ride at sea, will debut exclusively aboard MSC World America when the ship enters service in April 2025.

“The ride structure will tower above the new US flagship’s top deck, nestled in the heart of the ship’s Family Aventura district and beckoning thrill seekers who want a rush of excitement.

“The one-of-a-kind, edge-of-your-seat thrill ride will have guests feeling the wind in their hair as their view oscillates between the water below and the sky above.”

The MSC World America will sail from Miami, Florida, to destinations in the Eastern and Western Caribbean and to Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve, MSC Cruises’ private island in The Bahamas.

Further information

Main image © MSC Cruises

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