08 September 2024

Mexico’s leading pensions provider

Banking & Finance
| The European |

Recognised in 2020 by Morningstar’s Silver Award, Afore SURA is embracing digital to develop tomorrow’s pension services today

Afore SURA has always aimed to deliver the very best investment services and technology to its seven million customers across Mexico. The country’s pension market is highly competitive, with a wide range of players from international and local banks, insurance companies, and retailers all offering services to more than 50 million customers.

Afore SURA’s highly professional and seasoned team of investment and risk experts set them apart within the sector, indeed last year they were recognised by Morningstar’s Silver Award – the highest accolade for pension management companies in Mexico. Afore SURA benefits from a robust investment process that continuously analyses local and international markets to identify the best opportunities to achieve top-tier long-term returns, while the same process also identifies and manages risk. Its strong, long-term investment performance is a direct product of its expert analysis and company-wide discipline.

Afore SURA’s data management capabilities have also been enhanced, giving customers extra certainty and assurance about the proper management of assets, meanwhile the organisation has also diversified and enhanced its digital and mobile platforms. Afore SURA is constantly assessing levels of customer satisfaction across multiple contact points. These efforts have not gone unnoticed and it has obtained the highest recognition for five consecutive years in the local regulator’s industry service survey.

As Afore SURA looks to the future, continuing to focus on the customer’s needs through personalisation and innovative platform design is key to serving the digital native generations. Within its offer, it plans to continue combining its in-house capabilities with partnerships with fintech firms to ensure that younger customers can easily engage with their pension plans and begin saving money for the future.

In summary, Afore SURA is committed to its customer’s success by securing top-tier, long term investment returns, providing value-added pension advisory services, and offering enhanced service capabilities.

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