Thailand’s CKPower leads sustainable business model – The European Magazine
3 March 2025
3 March

Thailand’s CKPower leads sustainable business model

CK Power Public Company Limited (CKPower) believes if it is good for the world, it can also be good for business too

Embedding a sustainable business practice at the core of its strategies, CKPower is riding on the shift to clean energy which allows it to rapidly expand its business in Thailand and abroad, while helping to combat climate change and environmental impact. The company, one of Southeast Asia’s largest renewable energy players with one of the lowest carbon footprints, is moving firmly on its path to attain net-zero emissions status by 2050.

According to its managing director Thanawat Trivisvavet, CKPower recently kicked off a sustainable strategy framework, consisting of three main strategies: labelled “C-K-P” they cover important issues in the dimensions of environmental (C – Clean Electricity), social (K – Kind Neighbor), and economic and governance (P – Partnership for Life), as well as established concrete five-year targets and action plans.

“It is our conviction that sustainable business practices will help amplify positive effects on both the business and all of our stakeholders across the value chain,” he said.

To capture the growing demand of renewable power, Mr. Trivisvavet said CKPower was gearing up to expand further in the region, and that all new projects would involve renewable energy sources including solar and wind power, and the drive would move up the share of its renewables-based capacity from 93% to 95% by 2024.

Among other trends that Mr. Trivisvavet cited as lifting the demand for renewables-based electricity is that governments and large companies around the World increasingly view the acceleration of the transition to renewable energy as a policy tool that can boost national competitiveness, in addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The “Renewable Capacity Statistics 2023” recently released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), showed that renewable energy had continued to grow at record levels, taking over 80% share of all power capacity added last year. Worldwide, renewable electricity capacity grew by a record 295 gigawatts or 9.6% in 2022. 

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