26 July 2024

Team innovation

Banking & Finance
| The European |

Guaranteeing the highest quality investment options and professional risk management are the core elements of Kathrein Private Bank’s unique offering, writes Chief Executive Officer Wilhelm Celeda

For Kathrein Private Bank, 2021 was all about innovation. In addition to the new brand identity, we have worked intensively on expanding the product range. In times like these, which are overshadowed by the terrible war in Ukraine, supply chain problems and inflation concerns, our individual asset management offers customised investment solutions. Our claim: professional risk management paired with sustainably attractive returns. With the brand-new Kathrein Private Markets Platform, we now offer our clients digital access to private equity funds of the most renowned global providers – even with small volumes. The selection as well as the compilation of the funds is based on a professional selection process by the Kathrein Private Equity expert team.

Wilhelm Celeda, CEO of Kathrein Private Bank, and board members Harald Holzer and Stefan Neubauer

Another innovation is the Kathrein Sustainable Global Megatrends equity fund. Based on strict sustainability criteria, we invest for our customers in selected megatrends such as digitalisation, health and urbanisation. In doing so, we focus on the pioneers in the respective industries. Invest today in the trends of tomorrow. At Kathrein, the clear commitment to sustainable investments is lived intensively. Therefore, more than half of the investments managed by Kathrein are already invested according to the Kathrein sustainability approach. The careful selection of securities is carried out in cooperation with a renowned partner, ISS ESG. Not only are our investments sustainable, but Kathrein also lives ESG in-house out of conviction. Our project of a company forest in Togo underlines this ambition. Almost 4,000 trees have already been planted there, a contribution to climate protection and the creation of jobs in the region. 

Gold standard  

In turbulent times, actively managed funds pay off. These have precisely the advantage of our portfolio management team, which can boast more than 20 years of experience, guaranteeing customised investments for our customers. We can see from the comparisons with the benchmark that we perform better here. The Kathrein Global Enterprise equity fund, which focuses on defensive stocks, has performed very well over the past 1.5 years. Our mixed funds Mandatum 25, 50, 70 were each in the top quartile in their peer group, so they performed very well compared to other funds. Especially in times like these, a gold account also makes sense for the portfolio. Our Kathrein gold account is managed like a securities account, where physical gold is stored in the background, the advantage being that customers can pick it up at any time. In addition, Kathrein Privatbank offers a wide range of certificates from worldwide recognised issuers. The advantage of these certificates is that they are very diverse and offer income opportunities in any market situation. 

We offer our clients unique innovation and the highest quality in investment to guarantee attractive returns and professional risk management in this challenging environment. 

Further information

Head to www.kathrein.at/en/ to find out more and for risk warnings on the investment funds mentioned. Click on ‘investment solutions’.


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