Spearvest expands its senior team following 40% growth in real estate assets – The European Magazine
28 March 2025
28 March

Spearvest expands its senior team following 40% growth in real estate assets

Spearvest, the global wealth management firm, has hired two real estate professionals to its senior team to help spearhead a new real estate strategy

In 2020, Spearvest’s real estate assets under management surged 40 per cent, and these new hires represent a marked strategy for a further 60 per cent growth in this sector for 2021.

The first of the hires is James Dominey, an investment associate within the real estate division of Spearvest who joined the team in March this year.

Mr. Dominey brings over 10 years of international real estate experience to the team having worked for leading real estate consultancy firms and investment managers in the UK, Spain and New Zealand. His varied experience in the fields of valuation, investment advisory and investment management provides Spearvest’s clients with deep real estate knowledge and advisory capabilities.

The second senior hire is Marketa Krizova, who has joined Spearvest as a real estate investment manager in May 2021. Mrs Krizova has more than 15 years of international real estate experience, working for leading real estate consultancy firms, including private and institutional real estate funds in Central and Eastern Europe.

With a proven track-record in the fields of asset management and real estate acquisitions, Mrs Krizova provides Spearvest’s investors with an institutional investment experience and represents the company in its real estate advisory and asset management services.

Wael Al-Nahedh, CEO, Spearvest comments:

“With the negative-to-low interest rate environment in Europe and Switzerland, we believe that international investors’ appetite for European real estate will continue to grow and this will remain an attractive asset class. We continue to target income generating investments in commercial properties in Western and Central Europe with a focus on Core & Core+ strategies. I believe the newest additions to our company add great value to our clients and our real estate activities bringing with them solid experiences in their respective fields and a great professional network.”

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