20 January 2025
20 January

European Unions’ post-pandemic “green” recovery

A group of people developing a sustainability plan with miniature figures of trees and houses.

On Thursday, the International Energy Agency (IEA) called for the European Union (EU) to accelerate and advance low-carbon building renovations and start to introduce schemes that encourage consumers to replace inefficient old cars and fridges as part of a post-pandemic “green” recovery. 

Setting out its policy recommendations for the EU, the IEA revealed that their new policies would help ensure the European Commission’s proposed 750 billion recovery fund boosts clean energy and avoids a sustained rebound in emissions after the pandemic. 

As the Commission aims to steer the bloc towards becoming climate neutral by 2050, the IEA said energy-saving stimulus investments should be a “prime target”. 

Guided by stricter EU building standards, the low-carbon building renovations would help reduce bills for Europe’s 513 million energy consumers, while also encouraging public schemes could and consumers to replace old cars and refrigerators with new, efficient ones. 

The IEA said the virus-induced drop in fuel prices is an opportunity for the EU to phase out fossil fuel subsidies and reform taxes to favour low-carbon energy. Planned changes to EU state aid rules next year should enable public investments in large hydrogen and lithium-ion battery projects. 

The Commission has said EU recovery spending must “do no harm” to its aim to cut net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050 – down from more than 4 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent today. 

“Policies will play an essential role in ensuring the effective use of the recovery funds,” IEA executive director Fatih Birol said. 

With the expected decrease of renewable energy investments in Europe to fall by at least a third in 2020 in comparison to last year, the IEA said EU research funding and European Investment Bank support must help offset this “historic” drop. 

Renewables have already made up to 32% of the EU power mix. However, outside the power sector, the IEA said Europe’s energy transitions “have only just begun”, and recommended tougher energy saving requirements for industry – the bloc’s largest energy-consuming sector. 


Reported by Kate Abnett 

Sourced Reuters 

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