05 October 2024

This VTOL zero-emissions jet with in-built parachute will fly on Hydrogen

| The European |

The world’s first hydrogen-powered luxury jet, complete with an in-built parachute for nervous fliers, will be officially unveiled in London this month

SiriusJet is slated as a zero-emission solution for business trips, with a projected range of 1,150miles at speeds of up to 323mph.

The jet can take off without a runway like a helicopter, and is even fitted with an airframe parachute system to “enhance passenger psychological comfort”.

Its safety feature “effectively reduces the incident risk to virtually zero” in the event of an accident.

The SiriusJet, which is still in production, can carry three passengers at a cruising altitude of 30,000ft.

According to its Swiss makers Sirius Aviation AG, the aircraft marks a “major leap towards sustainable aviation”.

Its CEO, Alexey Popov, will make a presentation and unveil the jet’s official promotional video at the MOVE Expo in London on 20th June.

In a statement, the company said: “The SiriusJet sets a new standard in aviation with its hydrogen propulsion system paired with luxurious business jet features. This pioneering approach signifies a major leap towards sustainable aviation.”

Images © Sirius Aviation AG

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