08 September 2024

A new win for the Lebanese technology sector despite a severe nationwide crisis

| The European |

Resource Group and its Chairman and CEO Hisham Itani recognised at The European Global Business Awards 2022 

Amid a challenging time that Lebanon is going through, the Lebanese technology sector brings hope to a resilient nation that persevere to drive the country forward. The private sector plays an important role in encouraging growth and boosting innovation by investing in technology and human talent.  

In this context, Resource Group, a technology group with diversified businesses covering the Middle East and Africa, has been awarded by The European, an English business publication, ‘Best ICT Leadership & Business Technology Solution Provider of the Year- MENA’ while Hisham Itani, Chairman and CEO at Resource Group, was awarded ‘Best Digital Business Transformation CEO & Technology CEO of the Year – MENA’ at The European Global Business Awards 2022. 

“Lebanon has been facing many challenges on several fronts while the world has also been struggling with a global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, these challenges can only trigger more motivation and perseverance as we pursue our efforts in the field of technology innovation”, said Hisham Itani. He continued, “We are delighted to be recognised for our impact and innovations in the technology sector by The European. It is our responsibility to pursue our efforts to not only enhance the citizen experience but also bring hope and support to rising entrepreneurs in Lebanon and the region. Innovation is an endless journey towards growth, and digital transformation is of essence for business sustainability and positive social impact. Therefore, our role today is more important than ever to employ all of our Research and Development (R&D) endeavours and continue to develop solutions that better people’s lives.” Itani added, “We thank The European Global Business Awards for highlighting the potential of digital transformation in Lebanon and all of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, and the role of the private sector in pushing the limits in time of crisis”. 

The European Global Business Awards recognises businesses and individuals that were able to weather the storm, move their industry forward and boost the economy in a variety of sectors despite the global challenges.  

Major sectors such as Energy, Technology, Banking and Investment, and regional development in areas such as central and & Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa, MENA, and Asia have been acknowledged. These companies and individuals have been recognised for progress, competitiveness and for outstanding performance in their respective fields.

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