​New York Congresswoman pushes for Trump’s birthday to be enshrined as federal holiday - The European Magazine
31 March 2025
31 March

​New York Congresswoman pushes for Trump’s birthday to be enshrined as federal holiday

The U.S congresswoman who claimed that many people who commit mass murders “end up being democrats” has introduced a new law to make Donald Trump’s birthday a federal holiday

Claudia Tenney, who also described the press as the “single biggest destructive force in our country”, said June 14 was an “historic day” that should be commemorated.

The Republican – dubbed ‘Mini Trump’ over her penchant for making controversial statements – said the President was the most “consequential in modern American history”​ and enshrining his birthday was befitting of the “founder of America’s Golden Age”​.

Trump, who was born on June 14, 1946, shares the day with Flag Day, which celebrates the adoption of the American flag on June 14, 1777.

Tenney’s proposed order, called the ‘Trump’s Birthday and Flag Day Holiday Establishment Act, would permanently codify a new federal holiday called “Trump’s Birthday and Flag Day” ​o​n that date every year.

The proposal, lodged last Friday, will now need to be considered by committees, voted on by the full House of Representatives and Senate, and require a signature from Trump himself for it to become law.

In a statement, her office said: “No modern president has been more pivotal for our country than Donald J. Trump.

“As both our 45th and 47th President, he is the most consequential President in modern American history, leading our country at a time of great international and domestic turmoil.

“From brokering the historic Abraham Accords to championing the largest tax relief package in American history, his impact on the nation is undeniable.

“Just as George Washington’s Birthday is codified as a federal holiday, this bill will add Trump’s Birthday to this list, recognizing him as the founder of America’s Golden Age.”

Tenney represents New York’s 24th Congressional District, which includes all or parts of Cayuga, Oswego, Seneca, Wayne, Ontario, Jefferson, Livingston, Niagara, Genesee, Wyoming, Yates, Schuyler, and Orleans counties.

Her office added: “Additionally, as our nation prepares to celebrate its 250th anniversary, we should create a new federal holiday honoring the American Flag and all that it represents.

“By designating Trump’s Birthday and Flag Day as a federal holiday, we can ensure President Trump’s contributions to American greatness and the importance of the American Flag are forever enshrined into law.”

Pictures: United States Congress

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